Huawei is offering HCIA vouchers for free inculding HCIA Routing and Switching Vouchers, HCIA 5G-Course vouchers, HCIA Cloud Computing Course Vouchers, HCIA Cloud Service Vouchers, HCIA Big Data Course Vouchers, HCIA Security Course Vouchers, HCIA Storage Course Vouchers, HCIA WLAN course vouchers and HCIA AI Course Vouchers.
This is a great opportunity for any one who is searching for free vouchers.
Method to Get HCIA Vouchers for Free:
There are four steps involved in this procudure. You have to do these four steps to get this voucher for free.
You can Watch this Video to get HCIA Free Vouchers. Or you can follow below steps.
Step 1: Online Self Study
First you have to click on your desired course to register yourself in that course. Link will be given at the end of this article.
After Registeration you can learn this course for free. Free tutorials are available from huawei.
Step 2: Exam preparation Webinars
In step 2 you have to register for huawei webinars. Free Webinars is available for you. Date and time is available for that webinars.
Step 3: Take Pre Test
To Get the voucher for your final exam you have to give a pre test exam mean voucher exam. Voucher exam is a type of exam that you have to take to get this free voucher.
You have to take 60 plus point in this exam to get this voucher. Three attempts is available for you. so if you fail this exam in first or second attempt you can pass it in third attempt.
The voucher actual price is 200 dollars. You can get it for free.
After passing this exam make sure to take a screenshot of your exam result and send you exam result on this email.
You will get your voucher for free.
Step 4: Book Huawei Certification Exam
After gettting the voucher make sure to book your Huawei Final exam.
Question about this topic:
What is the last date of this offer?
This offer is valid till 20 June. I am not sure know wether Huawei Extend this date or not.
If I fail all the attemps of pre test exam Can I get Voucher for Free?
If you Fail this Pretest exam three times then you will not be able to get this voucher for free.