Bing Ads & PPC Advertising: Beginner to Advanced
- You need a computer with an internet connection
- You need to have the awareness to put in action what you learn to get great results
Learn how to use Bing Ads for effective search engine marketing.
Millions compete for exposure on Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, but 99% of them fail to get results. As the founder of leading digital intelligence firm, AdGooroo, search advertising authority Richard Stokes is in a unique position to reveal what’s going wrong and provide solutions to fix it.
Since the publication of the first edition, there have been a number of revolutionary changes in paid search. First, we are increasingly searching for our cell phones – not just desktops. Mobile search now accounts for 15% of searches in the US (up from ~0% in 2009). Second, Google is no longer the only game in town. Bing now accounts for 30% of all US searches and is growing in importance worldwide. Finally, “Search Extensions” have become a powerful new technique that search advertisers can use to gain an edge on the competition. With them, advertisers can collect phone numbers and email addresses with their ads, limit their ads to certain times of day, deliver coupons to nearby customers, and even provide handy “call me” buttons that are displayed only on cell phones. In this new edition, Stokes details all this and more, providing information exclusive to this guide and of priceless value to its more advanced search audience.
With insider insight from Stokes and using proven strategies from today’s search advertising elite, paid search advertisers discover how to drive significantly more traffic to their site, dramatically increase click-through rates, steal impressions from competitors, boost their conversions, and increase their sales by unbelievable amounts.
Leverage all of the features available in Bing Ads, the popular ads program from Microsoft, to run stellar marketing campaigns with one of the world’s leading ad networks. This comprehensive course begins with an overview of the Bing landscape, and then guides you through creating an account, setting bids, writing effective ads, and selecting keywords. Familiarize yourself with important Bing Ads policies in order to save time and make sure your campaigns are approved quickly. Learn about ad extensions, targeting, and setting up Universal Event Tracking, as well as how to use available tools—for example, the Bing Ads Intelligence tool—to successfully carry out campaign optimization.
Topics include: Creating your accountNavigating the Bing interface setting up billingEstimating traffic and setting bidsWriting effective adsUsing dynamic text setting up campaign exclusionsUsing automated rules setting up Universal Event TrackingCreating a remarketing list in Bing AdsMeasuring performance with Bing Ads reports
If you or anyone on your team needs to learn or get refreshed with the fundamentals of paid search marketing, this is the book for you. Clean, simple, and very actionable.
—Robert G. Smith
- Anyone who wants to understand how paid advertising online and Bing PPC advertising work
- Anyone who wants to learn how to best optimize Ppc Ads through Bing marketing
- Anyone has never set up a Bing pay per click campaign before but wants to learn fast