Linux tutorial | what is Linux?

By | October 25, 2018


Linux is an operating system for computers. just like MS-DOS, Windows and Mac Operating Systems. Linux belongs to the Unix family of operating systems. (Linux tutorial)

What is Linux used for

It is a powerful type of operating system not found on home computers before Linux came along.
Linux, however, can be used for many different purposes like for Gaming, for work on desktop workstations or on network servers.


Linux was developed in 1991 by a student at the University of Helsiki by the name of Linux Torvalds.
some famous Linux operating systems:
Kali Linux
and may more. contains a wealth of information and links about every distribution. Application Hardware, User Groups and many more.

History Behind LInux

He was dissatisfied with the facilities that were available to him in the university. He decided it would be fun to write an operating system for himself. When he had something vaguely recognizable, he released it to a small group of enthusiasts know to him on the internet.
This group assisted Linus and contributed modifications and new features until the kernel of the operating system was working.

See Also:

Features of Linux Operating System

What is linux Kernel:

The kernel of the operating system is the central core of the system, which interacts with the computer and provides services for the user and application program s to use.
Around the kernel are many other programs providing most of the commands available in Linux.

In Linux, these programs have mostly come from the GNU project. This aims to produce a completely free operating system based on the same principles as and compatible with the Unix operating system.GNU programs are all released under a lincence called the GNU Public Lincence,
which describes the principles of free, oopen source sofware. It does not permit software covered by it to be reused, except as part of another package also covered by the GPL. In this way GNU software remains free.

Linux is under constant development. In order to ensure that a stable version is always available for normal users while maintaining the development of new functions and new additions which might make the kernel a little less reliable.

Graphical environments:

It provides windows and integrated desktops.


Providing networking with internet and other computers and with industry standard platforms.

Multimedia Capibilities:

It provides multimedia capibilies like sound, graphics and video.

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