Advance commands in Termux
{Command : Function}
apt search [qurey] : to search any package
locate [query] : find all path names contains a pharse
du : display directory space usage
df : display disk usage.
cal : To display calender
whoami : it shows your login name
uname -a : used to Display kernal information
date : it shows the current date & time
uptime : this command shows system current uptime
cat /proc/meminfo : it shows memory information
cat /proc/cpuinfo : it shows cpu information
cat /proc/version : it shows information about Linux system
free : Display Memory & swap usage
kill [PID] : kill process by pid{process id}
ps : It shows all running process on your Device
nano [file] : Edit any file with nano text editor
zip [your file here to zip] : used to make a zip file
unazip [] : used to unzip any zip file
vi : This is default text Editor
moonbuggy : Terminal game for Termux
rmdir [dir name] : used to remove dictionary