Avoid All freelancing mistakes that freelancer do:
In this toturial I will tell you about those mistakes which many ignore it if you want to enhance your freelancing career.
1.Do not Sit Random Prices:
One of the biggest mistake that a freelancer do is sitting the random prices.
For example If your a shopkeeper of a grocery shop, in morning time your items price are high, while in midday your price is
little bit decreased and while in evening time your price decreased to absolutely low then it’s not got for your marketing.
Same is the case in freelancing while doing logo design. You speak to one customer that I will do your logo design in 30
dollars while with other customers you fix your price about that logo design about 230 dollars.
You should avoid this mistake and sit fixed price for your project in your price can lead you to difficulty.
2 not ignore refrels:
Many freelancer deos is that they are ignoring referrals that I don’t need referrals.
I encourage you to write about you and your work on your website or in your social media like facebook or twitter.
That people know more about you and your skills to hire you for their projects. So kindly do not ignore the importance of riferrals.
3.Making Contract
In Islamic point of view contract is very important even between two brothers.Everything should not be orally. You should write a
contract.When there is problem in business then contracts rescue you.If there is a problem in communication between
you and your employer then contract will help you.
4.Do not take too many projects:
As a you should not take too many which to you and as a you will your carrer.
if you take too many projects and then your not able to finish then this will lead you to difficulty in freelancing .
You will lose your money as well as your reputation in freelancing if you do not take your projects according to
your capability.
5.Do biding on Projects:
As a freelancer I recommend you to do biding on projects according to your skills. If you do not bid on projects then no one will hire you.
Because everyone does not know about you and your skills except people which are you familiar with.
You should avoid these mistakes if you do not want to lose your freelancing career.
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