Complete HTML 5 Course from beginner to advance
By completing this course, you will be able to read and write front-end web development code using HTML5. This course gives you hands-on and practical experience on detailed HTML5. Contents of this tutorial #
Interactive HTML5: Basics
- Introduction to HTML
- HTML4 vs. HTML5
- Making your first HTML page
- Tools to create HTML files
- Base HTML Tags
- Paragraph Tags
- Break Tags
- Header Tags
- Bold and Italic Tags
- Ordered and Unordered Lists
Interactive HTML5: Advanced
- Difference between Absolute Links and Relative Links
- Hyperlinking to an external page
- Hyperlinking to an email address
- Hyperlinking to a file in your site
- Playing and controlling audio
- Playing and controlling video
- Embedding a video
- What is a Table – Pros and Cons
- Table properties
- Adding an iFrame
- Adding an iFrame: Part 2
- What is possible with a form using on HTML knowledge
- Defining the form
- Text fields and text areas
- Radio buttons and check buttons
- Data input and buttons
- Proper file structure
- Code commenting
- Meta tags