ARSA Framework: Master of ARSA Script.

By | August 15, 2018

ARSA Framework: Master of ARSA Script.

What will you learn in this course?

  • Understand ARSA script for game development.
  • Understand the basis of game logic with ARSA script
  • Understand and apply the function of ARSA script to the game.
  • Understand basis 2d game development.


  • Photoshop.
  • The basis of programming.
  • *Free redeem code ARSA Studio: Udemy


  • *Free redeem code ARSA Studio is: Udemy
  • Learn the main functions,a core of concept and tools that you need to construct 2D games with ARSA Script and Photoshop.
  • Create games in Photoshop with this tutorial for everyone who interesting in game development.

What’s the ARSA Framework?

  • Downloading and Installation.
  • The basis of 2D Images.
  • Photoshop’s layer operations.
  • Achieve your games with your skills by ARSA Script.


Study the basis of ARSA Script puts achievement to your games. ARSA Script is absolutely free software, simple used, has a good help file, and is the cross-platform to any devices embedded C/C++ compiler (now v 2.3.3 support only win32 and android).

Looking for a new scripting language to build games that support universal resolutions, can design UI/UX into photoshop once time similarly any terminal output.

Overall Course

Good for everyone who has photoshop basic skill and fundamentals programming, Through course more 9 hours and 10+ chapters of contents you will learn all of the ARSA Script basic until advance and grown skill of concept 2D game development. Each chapter has shown learning with the example, so, get easy, quick and clean follow videos.

The spawn point is the introduction of ARSA Framework and ARSA Script what is, next, it is download and installation tools from an official website, This course will take you through ARSA Script functions, variable types, math operators, and how to apply them to your games.

The course takes you through flow control by teaching you how to use if-else, for, while loops and custom function declaration to your games.

Students completing the course will have the knowledge and know-how to create 2D games with Photoshop and useful ARSA Script.

ARSA Framework: Master of ARSA Script

(c) 1999-2018. ARSA Productions.

First Section: Basic (TotalTime 03:58:47)

Chapter 1: Install ARSA Framework (TotalTime 25:12)

1.1 What’s ARSA Framework. (0:00)

1.2 Downloading and Installation. (7:34)

1.3 Introduction ARSA Studio. (17:50)

1.4 Introduction Lecturer. (22:04)

1.5 Conclusion. (24:54)


Chapter 2: Basis of 2D Images (total time 27:59)

2.1 Understand 2D game coordinate. (0:00)

2.2 Understand 2D and universal resolution. (3:25)

2.3 Understand 2D Images – vector vs raster. (9:39)

2.4 First image loading – PSD. (10:37)

2.5 Limitation of PSD for ARSA Framework. (14:40)

2.6 Custom resolution. (18:46)

2.7 Conclusion. (22:10)


Chapter 3: Transformations Images (TotalTime 55:46)

3.1 Visible/invisible. (0:43)

3.2 Opacity. (6:54)

3.3 Rotation by axis: x, y, z. (10:08)

3.4 Draw order. (13:14)

3.5 Set, move position (19:13)

3.6 Animate. (23:52)

3.7 Color and alpha.    (29:23)

3.8 PSD Offset set/move. (31:14)

3.9 Draw and rotation flags. (39:06)

3.10 Visible-percent. (45:20)

3.11 Conclusion. (48:16)


Chapter 4: Touch Input (total time 29:21)

4.1 Touch operations. (0:00)

4.2 Touch with PSD layer. (4:25)

4.3 Touch with PSD layer and reset button. (7:55)

4.4 Touch multiple layers. (18:12)

4.5 Touch and moving layer. (23:42)

4.6 Conclusion. (28:38)


Chapter 5: Audios and Videos (total time 53:27)

5.1 Audios operations. (0:00)

5.2 Audios format supported. (1:43)

5.3 First audio. (3:34)

5.4 Play multiple audios. (6:32)

5.5 Stop audio. (11:15)

5.6 Loop/Once playback audio. (14:04)

5.7 End of audio checking. (18:33)

5.8 Conclusion audio. (21:52)

5.9 Advances audio example. (23:48)

5.10 Videos operations. (38:24)

5.11 First video. (38:50)

5.12 Full-screen/Resize video. (41:28)

5.13 Mixing/Ending video and layer. (43:40)

5.14 Conclusion. (52:16)


Chapter 6: Layer Hit (total time 32:18)

6.1 Introduction hit functions. (0:00)

6.2 Hit with a layer.

6.2.1 Drawing and moving layer. (0:43)

6.2.2 Hit layer. (12:24)

6.2.3 Result hit layer. (15:12)

6.2.4 Conclusion hit layer. (15:28)

6.2.5 Hit multiple layers. (17:53)

6.2.6 Result hit multiple layers. (20:30)

6.2.7 Hit multiple layers with a reset button. (21:10)

6.2.8 Result hit multiple layers with a reset button. (26:16)

6.3 Hit with specifies layer. (28:28)

6.3.1 Result hit with specifies layer. (29:26)

6.4 Conclusion. (31:43)


Chapter 7: Fonts (TotalTime 14:44)

7.1 Overview fonts. (0:00)

7.2 Text from type tool on photoshop. (1:36)

Result. (2:44)

7.3 Text from a script with a built-in font. (2:58)

Result. (5:08)

7.4 Changing text color. (5:35)

Result. (6:50)

7.5 Custom font – true type. (7:37)

Result. (11:24)

7.6 Changing custom font color. (12:28)

Result. (12:48)

7.7 Conclusion. (13:50)


Second Section: Advance (TotalTime 05:24:18)

Chapter 8: ARSA Script Basis of Programming (TotalTime 01:37:13)

8.1 Introduction. (0:00)

8.2 Local variable. (4:12)

Result. (15:52)

8.3 Global variable. (19:50)

Result. (21:13)

8.4 Conclusion declaration variables. (22:42)

8.5 Set value to variable. (22:58)

Result. (26:44)

8.6 Comment. (29:13)

8.7 Basis math operations. (30:24)

8.8 Function. (35:23)

8.9 Procedure. (38:57)

8.10 Conclusion function and procedure. (43:08)

8.11 Condition.

8.11.1 if. (44:20)

8.11.2 if-else. (47:02)

8.11.3 Recursive if. (49:31)

8.11.4 Recursive if-else. (55:33)

8.12 Loop. (54:49)

8.12.1 for. (55:02)

8.12.2 while. (59:46)

8.12.3 Conclusion. (01:01:57)

8.13 Return/break. (01:03:00)

8.14 String operations. (01:07:24)

8.14.1 Search string – strstr. (01:07:39)

8.14.2 Token string – strtok. (01:10:42)

8.15 Random integer. (01:13:34)

8.16 Random integer in range. (01:15:20)

8.17 Time. (01:15:48)

8.17.1 Virtual time vs real time. (01:15:59)

8.17.2 Virtual time. (01:17:04)

8.17.3 Real time. (01:17:40)

8.18 Conclusion random, time, return, break and string. (01:18:08)

8.19 Structure.

8.19.1 Local structure (01:18:40)

8.19.2 Global structure (01:21:55)

8.20 Arrays. (01:22:13)

8.21 File operations.

8.21.1 Overview file operations. (01:18:40)

8.21.2 Read file. (01:24:46)

8.21.3 Write file. (01:30:03)

8.22 Conclusion. (01:33:30 )


Chapter 9: Frame per second (FPS) (total time 09:16)

9.1 Overview. (00:40)

9.2 Set FPS. (02:40)

9.3 Get FPS. (06:55)

9.4 Conclusion. (08:57)


Chapter 10: Loading PSD file. (total time 27:33)

10.1 Overview. (00:35)

10.2 Loading PSD from secondary storage. (02:19)

Result. (18:50)

10.3 Loading from cloud. (19:21)

Result. (23:05

10.4 Get layers count (24:42)

Result. (26:04)

10.5 Conclusion. (26:55)


Chapter 11: External script (TotalTime 05:23)

11.1 Overview. (00:00)

11.2 Loading script from external file. (01:39)

Result. (04:04)

11.3 Conclusion. (04:56)


Chapter 12: Group of layers (total time 42:02)

12.1 Overview. (00:10)

12.2 Add layers to a group by Photoshop. (00:31)

12.3 Visible group. (02:45)

12.4 Add layers to a group by ARSA script. (03:42)

12.5 Remove layers to a group. (06:36)

12.6 Conclusion add/remove layers to a group. (11:40)

12.7 Transformation group. (11:59)

12.7.1 Set group position. (12:36)

12.7.2 Set only one layer visible on group. (15:54)

12.7.3 Set group rotation. (17:58)

12.7.4 Set group scale. (18:27)

12.7.5 Set group rotation flags. (19:58)

12.7.6 Set group draw flags. (21:39)

12.7.7 Set group draw order. (22:26)

12.7.8 Set group color. (22:46)

12.7.9 Set group clamp position. (23:00)

12.7.10 Set group play animation. (24:14)

12.7.11 Set only one layer play animation on group. (24:43)

12.7.12 Apply animation with group. (26:16)

Result. (38:36)

12.8 Conclusion. (40:40)


Chapter 13: Clone layer (TotalTime 30:25)

13.1 Overview. (00:00)

13.2 Clone layer by Photoshop. (00:45)

13.3 Clone layer by ARSA script. (03:03)

13.4 Remove layer. (07:28)

13.5 Clone multiple layers. (12:45)

Result. (17:29)

13.6 Conclusion clone layers. (17:52)

13.7 Get all layers by prefix. (18:21)

Result. (26:18)

13.8 Conclusion. (29:23)


Chapter 14: Log (TotalTime 04:50)

14.1 Overview. (00:08)

14.2 Introduction log window. (00:33)

14.3 Log a messages. (01:41)

14.4 Clear log window. (03:06)

14.5 Conclusion. (04:21)


Chapter 15: Finite state machine (FSM) theory (total time 25:39)

15.1 Overview. (00:00)

15.2 Basic theory of FSM. (00:41)

15.3 FSM diagram. (07:45)

15.4 FSM example: turn light on-off (12:00)

15.5 Conclusion. (24:26)


Chapter 16: Manager theory (TotalTime 01:21:57)

16.1 Overview. (00:00)

16.2 Basic theory of Manager. (00:35)

16.3 Manager diagram. (02:55)

16.4 Manager example 1: missile (04:31)

16.4.1 Drawing jet. (06:08)

16.4.2 Drawing missile. (12:06)

16.4.3 Set portrait mode. (13:20)

16.4.4 Declaration variable. (16:00)

16.4.5 First function: add_mis (19:31)

16.4.6 Second function: update_mis (23:37)

16.4.7 Call every things. (27:30)

16.4.8 Result. (33:46)

16.5 Manager example 2: missile hit (35:35)

16.5.1 Drawing box. (36:01)

16.5.2 Adding hit code. (36:46)

16.5.3 Result. (38:58)

16.6 Manager example 3: missile hit variety boxes (39:35)

16.6.1 Drawing variety boxes. (40:49)

16.6.2 Adding variety hit code. (42:21)

16.6.3 Result. (49:08)

16.7 Manager example 4: missile hit advanced variety boxes (49:29)

16.7.1 Adding advanced initialize code. (50:20)

16.7.2 Drawing advanced variety boxes. (52:43)

16.7.3 Cloning advanced variety boxes by code.    (55:59)

16.7.4 Adding function: add_mis1 (01:05:20)

16.7.5 Adding function: add_mis3 (01:05:30)

16.7.6 Adding function: shoot (01:07:27)

16.7.7 Editing function: update_mis (01:09:17)

16.7.8 Adding function: hit_box2 (01:13:15)

16.7.9 Adding function: toggle_missile_one (01:13:28)

16.7.10 Adding function: toggle_missile_three    (01:16:12)

16.7.11 Put them together. (01:16:46)

16.7.12 Result. (01:19:46)

16.8 Conclusion (01:20:20)


Third Section: Workshop (total time 02:27:53)

Chapter 17: Deploy game to the android device. (total time 32:42)

17.1 Overview. (00:00)

17.2 Preparing android device. (02:40)

17.3 Checking android device. (11:45)

17.4 Install ADB drivers (optional). (12:51)

17.5 Overview android emulator (BlueStacks). (13:23)

17.6 Connecting message from the android device. (13:58)

17.7 Deploy game to an android device. (15:08)

17.7.1 Specify game’s name. (18:05)

17.7.2 Specify game’s version. (19:21)

17.7.3 Result. (21:54)

17.7.4 Conclusion. (23:00)

17.8 Icon changing. (23:42)

17.9 Icon sizing. (25:51)

17.10 Launch game to Google PlayStore. (26:24)

17.10.1 Register as Google developer.26:54)

17.10.2 Submit new game. (27:59)

17.10.3 Where is apk. (28:28)

17.10.4 Screenshot preparation. (29:41)

17.10.5 Conclusion. (30:52)


Chapter 18: Pacman clone game. (TotalTime 22:41)

18.1 Overview. (00:00)

18.2 Showing a game. (00:38)

18.3 Preparation resources. (01:23)

18.3.1 Player. (01:30)

18.3.2 Enemy. (02:32)

18.3.3 Clone enemy. (03:03)

18.3.4 Game logics. (11:09)

18.3.5 Coding. (11:38)

18.3.6 Result. (20:27)

18.4 Conclusion. (21:06)


Chapter 19: Gage. (total time 20:27)

19.1 Overview. (00:00)

19.2 Prepare resources. (00:25)

19.3 Coding. (01:50)

19.4 Result. (07:19)

19.5 Conclusion. (08:37)

19.6 Drawing gage’s texture. (09:17)

Result. (09:41)

19.7 Animation gage’s texture. (10:11)

Result. (12:15)

19.8 Deploy gage to android device. (13:18)


19.8.1 Additional assets. (14:19)

19.8.2 Specify name. (16:29)

19.8.3 Specify version. (16:36)

19.8.4 Including assets folder. (16:37)

19.8.5 Result. (17:56)

19.8.6 Conclusion. (19:09)


Chapter 20: Time counter. (TotalTime 16:30)

20.1 Overview. (00:00)

20.2 Time counter. (00:30)

Result. (07:27)

20.3 Time counter with UI. (07:53)

Result. (12:30)

20.4 Deploy to android device. (12:40)

Result. (14:54)

20.5 Conclusion. (15:35)


Chapter 21: Matching Objects. (Not publish yet)

21.1 Prepare resources.

21.2 Coding.

Chapter 22: Photo hunt. (Not publish yet)

22.1 Prepare resources.

22.2 Coding.


Chapter 23: AI – Automation moving player with FSM. (total time of 36:36)

23.1 Overview. (00:00)

23.2 Prepare resources. (01:23)

23.3 Coding. (03:57)

23.3.1 Define state and variable. (04:15)

23.3.2 Adding golden key function: mu_thinking    (05:37)

23.3.3 Adding function: mu_walk (11:00)

23.3.4 Call FSM function. (16:54)

23.3.5 Checking you win and show score. (18:19)

23.3.6 Adding function: enemy_square (19:06)

23.3.7 Adding function: reset_score (21:38)

23.3.8 Adding function: reset_random (23:31)

23.3.9 Checking reset and random button. (25:04)

23.3.10 Adding function: add_score (25:27)

23.3.11 Checking between player and enemy layers. (26:15)

23.3.12 Conclusion. (26:35)

23.3.13 Result. (35:26)

23.4 Conclusion. (36:07)


Chapter 24: AI – Find out the nearest object. (total time of 18:57)

24.1 Overview. (00:00)

24.2 Prepare resources. (01:43)

24.3 Coding. (02:14)

24.3.1 Define distance variable. (02:32)

24.3.2 Get distance between player and enemy (04:14)

24.3.3 Editing function: mu_walk (08:49)

24.3.4 Adding new function: mu_walk_spawn (10:12)

24.3.5 Call FSM function. (11:25)

24.3.6 Result. (13:19)

24.3.7 Conclusion. (14:01)


Who is the target audience?

Guys who focus on the new game developer.

Anyone who wants an easy way to make game or app.

Photoshop family and have an intention to making digital media game or app on smartphones.


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